miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010


The Natural Reserve of Laguna de Fuente de Piedra is a wetland located in the region of Andalucia, in Antequera (Spain). The town of Fuente de Piedra, a small town that still lives near the margin of the lagoon, as part of exceptional site and seeing the thousands of tourists visit each year. Years ago, I pass by here and never seen so much water collects in the month of August. This wetland is endorreical site, is supplied through rainfall, runoff and groundwater. So many times we find it dry. But this summer has not happened.

In its basin are deposited salt and gypsum which makes it a salt lake. This salt has been exploited for hundreds of years. That is why in this natural environment many birds nest. In 1983, the lagoon was declared a Ramsar site, and in 1988, a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA).

It houses the largest colony of flamingo (Phoenicopteus ruber roseus) from the Iberian Peninsula and the second largest in Europe. Can be observed during the nesting period this year has stretched enough as it can still be seen by hundreds in the lagoon. A journey of about 4.5 km from the interpretation center close to all the different viewpoints from where you can see also other birds like black-headed gulls, the snowy plover, stilt, avocet. This observation could also see curlew.

I guarantee that if they go with the family will enjoy a lot. If they do when the sun begins to decline may also see one of the most beautiful Andalusian olive groves and reeds when the sky turns orange. These on some of the species that can be seen in the lagoon:

Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Carricero tordal)
Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Carricero común)
Actitis hypoleucos (Andarríos Chico)
Alauda arvensis (Alondra común)
Anas acuta (Anade rabudo)
Anas clypeata (Pato cuchara)
Anas crecca (cerceta común)
Anas penelope (Silbón europeo)
Anas platyrhynchos (Anade azulón)
Anas querquedula (Cerceta carretona)
Anas strepera (Anade friso)
Arenaria interpres (Vuelvepiedras)
Ardea cinerea (Garza real)
Aythia ferina (Porrón europeo)
Burhinus oedicnemus (Alcaraván común)
Buteo buteo (Ratonero)
Calandrella brachydactyla (Terrera común)
Calidris alba Correlimos tridactilo
Calidris alpina (Correlimos común)
Calidris canutus Correlimos gordo
Calidris ferruginea (Correlimos zarapitín)
Calidris minuta (Correlimos menudo)
Calidris temminckii (Correlimos de Temminck)
Calidris fuscicollis (Correlimos culiblanco)
Carduelis carduelis (Jilguero)
Cettia cetti (Ruiseñor bastardo)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Chorlitejo Patinegro)
Charadrius dubius (Chorlitejo chico)
Charadrius hiaticula (Chorlitejo grande)
Chlidonias niger (Fumarel común)
Ciconia ciconia (Cigueña común)
Circus aeruginosus (Aguilucho lagunero)
Circus cyaneus (Aguilucho pálido)
Circus pygargus (Aguilucho cenizo)
Corvus corax (Cuervo)
Emberiza schoeniclus (Escribano palustre)
Falco naumanni (Cernícalo primilla)
Falco tinnuculus (Cernícalo vulgar)
Fulica atra (Focha común)
Gallinago gallinago (Agachadiza común)
Gallinula chloropus (Polla de agua)
Gelochelidon nilotica (Pagaza piconegra)
Glareola pratincola (Canastera)
Grus grus (Grulla)
Hieraetus fasciatus (Aguila Perdicera)
Himantopus himantopus (Cigüeñuela común)
Hippolais opaca (Zarcero pálido)
Lanius meridionalis (Alcaudón real meridional)
Larus fuscus (Gaviota sombría)
Larus ridibundus (Gaviota reidora)
Limosa limosa (Aguja colinegra)
Limosa lapponica (Aguja colipinta)
Luscinia megarhynchos (Ruiseñor común)
Lymnocryptes minimus (Agachadiza chica)
Melanocorypha calandra (calandria común)
Miliaria calandra (Triguero)
Motacilla flava (Lavandera boyera)
Netta rufina (Pato colorado)
Numenius phaeopus (Zarapito trinador)
Numenius arquata (Zarapito real)
Oxyura leucocephala (Malvasía cabeciblanca)
Philomachus pugnax (Combatiente)
Phoenicopterus ruber (Flamenco)
Phoenicopterus minor (Flamenco enano)
Pluvialis apricaria (Chorlito dorado)
Pluvialis squatarola (Chorlito gris)
Podiceps nigricollis (Zampullín cuellinegro)
Porphyrio porphyrio (Calamón)
Recurvirostra avosetta (Avoceta Común)
Silvia conspicillata (Curruca tomillera)
Sterna sandvicensis (Charrán patinegro)
Tadorna tadorna (Tarro blanco)
Tetrax tetrax (Sisón común)
Tringa nebularia (Archibebe claro)
Tringa glareola (Andarríos Bastardo)
Tringa ochropus (Andarríos grande)
Tringa totanus (Archibebe Común)
Vanellus vanellus (Avefría europea)

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


While throughout the year is almost deserted in summer, houses in the village of El Rocío rented as rural tourism, is a lot of traffic in this pedestrian path within the PN de Doñana in Huelva province. I to 3.5 kilometers stretching from the same village down the bridge will Rocina in these ponds and marshes that there are many birds these days. In fact it's where I saw more wildlife today as storks will focus on migration with the usual species that live in the marsh as spoonbills and flamingos.

We enter the Rocina pedestrian path, the information service opened at 8 and standing inside is important to get an idea of what we visit and the importance of this ecosystem, unique in Europe. The trail goes through three different ecosystems. The first section runs from pine trees to get closer to the observatory of El Charco del Perchel, very busy spring but this summer we have only seen some whistling ducks.  Specially the Ferruginous Duck ( aythya nyroca). A big surprise to see out of the water to a family of  boar.

From here the trail leads to the Algaida of Carrizal. The Algaida are small tributaries that drain water into the stream and bird sanctuary on its banks of cattails, sedges and reeds. In the second, the Egyptian Mongoose Algaida have heard the robin and goldfinch sing.

The next section runs through Mont Blanc, rosemary, lavender and filled with aromas almoradux morning and magpies, alerted to our presence breaks the air with their cries. In this mountain you can see white oaks, wild olive scrub associated with the myrtle, arbutus, and fusco, near water. You always think you'll see the lynx in this stretch, but today no luck.

In the last section by gallery forest walk and we searched two more observatories overlooking the Pool of the Mouth. Many Glossi Ibis (plegadis falcinellus) and spoonbills(platalea leucorodia) resting on the lagoon while various waterfowl foraging for food. While looking back the sky for raptors but is on the floor where we find the surprise with a snub-nosed viper that runs away with our presence.
This is a friendly and highly recommended trail to visit family and small have a baptism in the observation of ecosystems and habitats of special interest. There is another link to this path, conducted in spring http://laescapadadelturistaaccidental.blogspot.com/2010/04/parque-nacional-de-donana-la-marisma

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010


Un clip entretenido en el río Guadaira a su paso por Sevilla. Siempre he visto flamencos en el río pero esta vez estaban muy cerca de la ciudad y por eso me llamaron la atención.
An entertaining clip Guadaira in the river as it passes through Seville. I've always seen flamingos in the river but this time they were very close to the town and so my attention.
Enjoy it.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010


It seems that nature has been arrested in the month of August, but not so in every corner, anywhere you see the living nature. Are these days, days of hustle and bags for all, we went on HOLIDAY or at least a few days of rest and holiday, here in the northern hemisphere. Storks (ciconnia ciconnia) as well.

On arriving in early spring to occupy their old nests and to find a mate and bell towers and telephone poles in our cities received them with joy and happiness. Prenuptial migration call. There have been raising their chickens the first part of summer. We saw in the Guadalquivir in April (http://laescapadadelturistaaccidental.blogspot.com/2010/04/parque-nacional-de-donana-la-marisma.html) and photographed in their nests in May of Empordà wetlands (WWW.laescapadadelturistaaccidental.blogspot.com/2010/05/aiguamols-del-emporda-sendero-del-mas.html)  Well it's time to march and go home, it is time to return to Africa.

And those who have chosen to do, not want to stay in Spain, we see the grasslands of Extremadura, Andalusia along the banks, marshes and fields Huelva and Cadiz Janda together in large groups, last energy store, wait change the wind and currents traced circles to reach the top of the sky and take in the thousands, it is believed that more than 80,000 birds, go back home.

So are these days in Spain, days of looking at the sky and watch them navigate the clear idea of crossing the Straits of Gibraltar at the time when the east wind stop blowing.

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


Seville Provincial Council intends to carry out the recovery of landscapes and construction of bicycle paths in the natural environment of the districts of Seville. This green corridor connecting the Corchuela Peri Park in the town of Dos Hermanas urban settlements Sevilla, Los Palacios, Coria del Rio, Santiponce, Camas and Parque del Alamillo and brings us to the Doñana Natural Park .This route is part of the European Green Network in the Western Mediterranean, which will connect southern Portugal to northern Italy across the Mediterranean regions of Spain and France. In this transnational project, which is the Andalusian lead partner, involved more than thirty members.

We caught the corridor near the water channel Montequinto and after crossing the town of Bellavista, we headed for The Copero the right bank of the river Guadaira. It is a spectacle as the tide comes up the Atlantic Guadaíra and with it the rich fauna of Doñana National Park. It is migration season and next to the Shrike (Lanius senator) and black kite (Milvus migrans), we take flight from the river to all kinds of herons. Among the bridges of the butler and the rise of Coria several river islands and it is stalled in this period several flocks of flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). Pass the Cortijo de los Olivillo the river widens and the tides are more noticeable. In the sands of the shore crowd several Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) and the bank hurdles "avetorrillos" little bittern, (Botaurus stellaris) and  nighs Heron  (nycticorax nycticorax). Also see some eagles flying over the reeds harrier (Circus aureginosus.) They are almost 20 kms and the legs begin to load when we reached the viewpoint of the Herons, a roost at the entrance to Cortijo de Los Olivillos. In the farmhouse, in a grove of eucalyptus trees. In the morning many of the ducks from the river lie in its calm waters and saw their trunks Ibis Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) and Squacco (Plover Heron). In the sky sail the sounds of flocks of bee-eater (European Bee-eater) s that feed in its last stage before crossing the strait. What a show this green corridor that enters from Seville to the Parque Natural de Doñana.

There is a company dedicated to the operation of the corridor and where you can get information http://www.rutasdelsur.es/node/537

La Diputación de Sevilla pretende llevar a cabo la recuperación de paisajes y la construcción de carriles bici en el entorno más natural de las comarcas sevillanas. Este corredor verde conecta el Parque Periurbano de la Corchuela en la ciudad de Dos Hermanas con los asentamientos urbanos de Sevilla, Los Palacios, Coria del Río, Santiponce, Camas y el Parque del Alamillo  y nos acerca hasta el Parque Natural de Doñana.. Esta ruta forma parte de la Red Verde Europea en el arco Mediterráneo Occidental, que conectará el sur de Portugal con el norte de Italia atravesando las regiones mediterráneas de España y Francia. En este proyecto transnacional, del que la Junta de Andalucía es socio líder, participan más de una treintena de socios.

Nosotros cogimos el Corredor cerca del canal de Montequinto y tras cruzar la localidad de Bellavista, enfilamos por El Copero la margen derecha del río Guadaira. Es un espectáculo ya que la marea del Atlántico sube por el Guadaíra y con ella la rica fauna del Parque Nacional de Doñana. Es época de migración y junto a los alcaudones reales ( Lanius senator) y los milanos negros ( milvus migrans), veremos levantar el vuelo desde la orilla del río a todo tipo de ardeidas. Entre los puentes de El Copero y el de Coria se alzan varias islas fluviales y en ella se han detenido en esta época varias bandadas de flamencos (phoenicopterus ruber). Enfilando el Cortijo de los Olivillos el río se ensancha y las mareas se notan más. En los arenales de la orilla se agolpan varias Garzas Reales ( ardea cinerea)  e Imperiales ( ardea purpurea) y en los cañizos de la orilla avetorrillos ( botaurus stellaris)  y martinetes ( nycticorax nycticorax). Tambien vemos sobrevolar los cañaverales algunas águilas laguneras ( circus aureginosus) .

Son casí 20 kms y las piernas empiezan a cargarse cuando llegamos al Mirador de las Garzas, un dormidero a la entrada del Cortijo de Los Olivillos. En el cortijo, en un bosquecillo de eucaliptus, existe un mirador sobre una laguna. En la mañana muchos de los ánades del río reposan en sus calmadas aguas y entre sus troncos vimos Ibis morito ( plegadis falcinellus)  y  Garcilla Cangrejera (  ardeola ralloides). En el cielo surcan los sonidos de las bandadas de abejarruco (merops apiaster) que se alimentan en su última etapa antes de cruzar el estrecho. Todo un espectáculo este corredor verde que se adentra desde Sevilla hasta el mismo Parque Natural de de Doñana.

Hay una empresa que se dedica a la explotación del corredor y donde podeis sacar información http://www.rutasdelsur.es/node/537

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010


About Iruela town  there is a road that leads us to the hamlet of El Chorro, one of the most used places to see birds in the Sierra de Cazorla. About 4 ½ kmss the road becomes a dirt track and slowly we ascend to the hamlet of El Chorro. We left to right Riogazas control.

A long left the forest in the Sierra. The vegetation most representative of this tour will be, according to different altitudes, pine resin producers, lavender, hawthorn, Marjoram ... and appear to move up laricios slender pines, broom, juniper, holly, savin and right the cut and Andalusian olive huge image.

Arrive at an abandoned farmhouse and we can leave the car and go down to the cut we have at our feet. On the heavens draw their whirlwind vultures (Gyps fulvus) and rooks (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) and in some of the nests of the wall, very lucky, we can see the Bearded (gyapetus barbatus) is being introduced back into the sierra. It will be very lucky to see and discover a breathtaking thrill ride the sky.

I did not see it here but I saw later to follow the path to find the sources of the Rio Guadalquivir. I am referring to the large Aguila Real ( Aquila chrysaetos) , owner of Spanish heaven. I think I used to before her, planning to step in front of me, above the river valley about 1,500 feet. I had time to mount the camera, more by emotion than by stress but it was great time

El Chorro is definitely one of the places required for birdwatching in the Natural Park of Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas  in Andalucia Land (Spain).

Desde la Iruela hay una carretera que nos acerca al paraje de El Chorro , uno de los lugares más recurridos para ver aves en la Sierra de Cazorla. A unos 4 kilómetros y medio la carretera se transforma en pista de tierra y lentamente vamos ascendiendo hasta el paraje de El Chorro. Dejamos a la derecha el desvío a Riogazas.

A la izquierda siempre el bosque de la Sierra. La vegetación más representativa de este recorrido será, según las diferentes altitudes, pinares resineros, espliegos, majuelos, mejoranas...y al ir ascendiendo aparecerán los esbeltos pinos laricios, piornos, enebros, acebos, sabinas rastreras y a la derecha los cortados y la inmensa imagen del olivar andaluz.

Llegaremos a un caserío abandonado y podemos dejar el coche y bajar hacia el cortado que tenemos a nuestros pies. Sobre los cielos dibujan sus torbellinos los buitres leonados (gyps fulvus) y las grajas (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) y en alguno de los nidos de la pared, con mucha suerte, podremos ver el Quebrantahuesos (gyapetus barbatus) que se está introduciendo de nuevo en la sierra. Será una gran suerte verlo y una emoción impresionante descubrirlo surcar el cielo. Yo no la vi aquí pero la vi más tarde al seguir el camino para buscar las fuentes del Río Guadalquivir. Me estoy refiriendo al gran Aguila Real (Aquila craseatos), dueña de los cielos españoles. Creo que la sentí antes de verla, paso planeando frente a mi, por encima del valle del río a unos 1.500 metros de altura. No me dio tiempo a montar la cámara, más por la emoción que por las prisas, pero le momento fue fantástico

Definitivamente El Chorro es uno de los lugares obligados para el birdwatching en el Parque Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas. Teneis otro enlace de la Sierra de Cazorla en  http://laescapadadelturistaaccidental.blogspot.com/2010/08/el-naturalista-los-big-five-de-las.html